Almost 50% of all home fires are started in the kitchen.
43% of all fire fatalities occur in winter.
Is your home winter fire safe? Involve the whole household in your winter safety plan
Smoke Alarms – Have an adequate number of suitable smoke alarms installed throughout your home and make sure that you test them regularly.
Exits – Make sure you and all your family know two safe ways out of every room in your home.
Escape Plan – Have a written home escape plan in case of fire and practice it regularly.
Cooking – Never, ever leave cooking unattended.
Fireplaces – Make sure the chimney is clean. Always place a screen in front of it when in use.
Electric Blankets – Check electric blankets for damage or frayed cords before placing on the bed.To test an electric blanket lay it flat on top of the bed, then switch it on for five minutes before putting it on the bed for use to confirm it is okay.
Heater Safety – Take care to keep curtains, tablecloths and bedding away from portable heaters.Oil, gas or wood heating units may require a yearly maintenance check.
Clothing – Keep wet clothing at least 1 meter from heaters or fireplaces and never leave unattended.
Tumble Dryer – If you use a clothes dryer make sure you clean the lint filter each and every time you use it.
Appliances – Only use one appliance per power point and switch off when not in use.
Candles – Always extinguish candles or any other open flames before going to bed.
Open Flames – Always handle candles or any other open flame with care.
Matches – Store matches or lighters in a secure place not accessible to young children.
Electricals – Only use fuses of recommended rating and install an electrical safety switch.
Fire Extinguishers – If possible, in the kitchen keep a fire extinguisher and fire blanket placed near the exit.
For any residential or commercial fire safety assistance – call the lads at All Fired Up On mobile: 0477186666 email [email protected]
Tips and advice courtesy of Fire and Rescue NSW. Download the full fire safety list from the website.

Clean your gutters of leaves and twigs
Install metal gutter guards
Repair damaged or missing tiles on the roof
Install fine metal mesh screens on windows and doors
Fit seals around doors and windows to eliminate gaps
Enclose the areas under the house
Repair or cover gaps in external walls
Attach a fire sprinkler system to gutters
Keep lawns short and gardens well maintained
Cut back trees and shrubs overhanging buildings
Clean up fallen leaves, twigs and debris around the property
Have hoses long enough to reach around your house
If you have a pool, tank or dam, put a Static Water Supply (SWS) sign on your property entrance, so fire fighters know where they can get water
Check and maintain adequate levels of home and contents insurance and ensure it is up to date.
For any residential or commercial fire safety assistance – call All Fired Up On mobile: 0477186666 or
email [email protected]